
Report Analyzer was an important component of a major reporting migration project. As with any project, key ingredients equal time and resources. With Report Analyzer, it allowed us to save time, but more importantly, the resources were better utilized. Highly recommended. Thank you Cortex Systems.

Richard Tsang
Methods & Systems Customer Reporting Manager
Optus Business

We were impressed and regard this as an awesome tool for any professional report designer... We have tried a couple of our own reports with this and wish we had this years ago. You can impress your clients and provide a valuable set of documents next time you are on site.

Bruce Ferguson
Chelsea Technologies, New Zealand

Report Analyzer saved me weeks determining which reports needed modification due to the database schema change. Great product!

Allan Neagle
The Guru Consultants, Australia

Report Analyzer has saved me hours of coding and report examinations!

Ian Attwood
Surefire Systems Australia